Prenups / Marital Agreements

happy couple signing contract

Safeguarding Your Future Together

At Eckert Ginty & Legg LLC, we understand the importance of planning for the future, especially when it comes to marriage. Our experienced attorneys are skilled in drafting prenuptial, mid-nuptial, and post-nuptial agreements, ensuring that your assets, debts, and property are protected, no matter what the future holds.

Prenuptial Agreements

A Foundation for Mutual Understanding

A prenuptial agreement is more than just planning for the possibility of divorce; it’s about creating a foundation of transparency and mutual understanding between partners. These agreements provide a clear outline of how assets and debts will be handled, offering peace of mind and security for both parties. Our approach is to make this process as comfortable and straightforward as possible, ensuring that your agreement reflects your shared values and individual needs.

Mid-Nuptial Agreements

Clarity During Uncertainty

In situations where couples are uncertain about their future together, a mid-nuptial agreement can provide much-needed clarity and direction. Similar to a prenuptial agreement, but created during the marriage, it outlines how assets and debts will be divided in the event of a divorce. This agreement can be a valuable tool for couples looking to define their financial relationship while still married, potentially making any future transitions smoother and more amicable.

Post-Nuptial Agreements

Structuring Your Future Post-Marriage

Also known as Property Settlement Agreements, post-nuptial agreements are essential in detailing how marital property will be divided in the event of a divorce. These agreements can encompass a wide range of issues, including alimony, retirement assets, property division, and debt allocation. A well-drafted post-nuptial agreement ensures that your rights are protected and that all terms are enforceable, providing a clear path forward during what can be a challenging time.

Why Choose Eckert Ginty & Legg LLC for Your Marital Agreements?

  • Expert Legal Guidance: Our attorneys have extensive experience in crafting marital agreements that are fair, comprehensive, and legally sound.
  • Personalized Approach: We understand that every relationship is unique. Our focus is on understanding your specific circumstances and crafting agreements that reflect your individual needs and goals.
  • Peace of Mind: With our legal expertise, you can be confident that your future is safeguarded, allowing you to focus on building your life together.