Frequently Asked Questions at Eckert Ginty & Legg LLC

At Eckert Ginty & Legg LLC, we understand that legal matters can be complex and often come with many questions. Our FAQ section is designed to provide you with quick, clear answers to some of the most common queries we receive.

Divorce FAQs

Do We Need an Attorney for an Amicable Divorce?

Even in amicable divorces, legal complexities can arise. Having an attorney ensures that all procedures are correctly followed and documents are properly prepared, preventing future issues. While one attorney cannot represent both spouses, we can assist in drafting agreements and expediting the divorce process.

How Long Does the Divorce Process Take in Pennsylvania?

The divorce process in Pennsylvania requires a mandatory 90-day waiting period from when the Divorce Complaint is served. The duration can vary depending on disagreements or property division complexities. We can help you understand the factors that might influence your divorce timeline.

Custody FAQs

How is Child Custody Determined?

Pennsylvania courts consider 16 factors when awarding custody. The child’s preference may be taken into account, depending on their age and maturity. We can guide you through the legal intricacies of your custody case.

When Do Children Have a Say in Custody Decisions?

There’s no set age in Pennsylvania for when children can influence custody decisions. The court considers the child’s well-reasoned preference based on their ability to articulate it.

Support FAQs

How is Support Calculated in Pennsylvania?

Child and spousal support in Pennsylvania are calculated based on state guidelines. These calculations consider the parties’ net incomes and time spent with children. Having an attorney can ensure a fair and favorable outcome.

Can I Receive Child Support if We Share Custody?

Child support in shared custody situations depends on the Income Shares Model and considers the parents’ respective incomes and time spent with the children.

Estate Planning FAQs

Why Do I Need a Will?

Without a will, Pennsylvania laws dictate how your property is distributed. A will ensures your assets are allocated according to your wishes and can appoint guardians for minor children.

What is a Living Will?

A living will allows you to make decisions about your medical care if you’re unable to do so. It guides treatment providers and family members on your preferences for life-sustaining measures and surgeries.

For more detailed information or specific queries, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We’re here to provide the clarity and guidance you need.
